My love affair with Nola
I watched her come into our lagoon and there was just something about her. When I heard she was going to be in Tonga for a while and loved to surf, that pretty much sealed the deal... I had to get to know her.
A few days went by and we hadn't met each other yet. I woke up one morning and looked out my window, I just got a quick view of her as she left the lagoon. Why did she leave? Where was she going? Would I ever see her again?
Weeks went by... they seemed like months. I watched the lagoon entrance everyday hoping I would see her again. One day I decided to grab my board and paddle around all the moorings for the hell of it. When I came back there was a message, it was from Nola... she wanted to know if I was interested in spending some time with her to search for waves, explore the islands and just hang out in paradise for a while. I accepted.
I met her in town on the main island. We ate, we drank, and we ended up sleeping together in the old harbor in the rain. It was perfect. The next morning we woke up before sunrise and sailed to a small outer island to find a fun right breaking off one side and a hollow, dredgy left off the other... I really had trouble thinking of a better set up than this.
So we spent our days surfing over colorful coral reefs, spearing fish, rolling around on white sand beaches and drinking fresh coconuts in the sun. We spent our nights anchored in beautiful glassy coves cooking up the days catch and watching the sunsets turn to stars over frosty beers. Easy livin', Good livin'!
This might be beginning of a beautiful relationship... I'm already in love!