NZ: Gisborne and the East Cape
Raglan was getting flatter everyday and the reports were calling for a short period windswell to nail the East coast so I made the mission and scored the best waves of the trip so far... what would I do without the internet???
Robby and Paula decided to hop in "The Van" (Not smelly anymore, the new Astroturf dries in a flash!), Dropped Robby off in Hamilton but not before we went straight to Hell, Hell Pizza that is. You can order any of the seven deadly sins in a delicious pizza version along with several other devilish options. Why can't more restaurants have a sense of humor? I sold my soul when I found out the pizza boxes have a tear-out-and-fold-yourself coffin that can house any left over slices. Pure marketing genius!
Paula needed to catch bus to Wellington in Lake Taupo. The area is loaded with hot springs and thermal pools. Erin (Who I met up with when I got to Gisborne) had shown her a place between Rotorua and Taupo where a hot creek runs into a cold stream and where they mix is a nice big pool to lounge in. The place was pretty sweet. No pics sorry.
So after nearly missing Paula's bus the next morning I headed on my way to the East Cape... when I got there it didn't look too promising, 25-30 knot onshore winds and just pissing rain. So I got me some steak, corn and taters and had a feast back at camp. When I woke up the next morning it was blue bird and offshores and I got to surf this all day long... just silly...

The next day was a bit smaller but still fun. I was chatting with a local in the parking lot and he mentioned a spot about 45 mins up the cape and down a dirt road a few miles... my kind of spot. He said it would be better and uncrowded (Why wasn't he there?) So I went. It paid off...

I think I'm falling in love with this country!

And you should have seen the stars this night... I could literally see satellites it was so clear.
Beautiful drive up to the spot. (Hard to find a drive around here that isn't) Came around a corner and started drooling when I saw this set up. Parked one of the auto industries finest right on the beach, hopped in my trunks, lathered myself in sunscreen and surfed the above empty line-up until I couldn't paddle anymore. What did I do to deserve this?
That evening I broke out the stove on the sand and made one mean breakfast scramble for dinner; Mushrooms, onions, zucchini, chopped Italian salami, garlic, eggs and Colby cheese with buttery toast and a glass fine red wine. I should've got the shot of my plate... damn it. Could've got the cover of Camping Magazine or something. Life is grand indeed!
I was chilled back in my chair digesting dinner and watching the stars come out when I got humbled... not a single person in the world knew my whereabouts. How often does that happen? Not enough. I was truly lost and it was a good feeling.
So it was flat the next morning, and so wind swells go. right now I'm on my way back to Raglan(different route) for a good swell coming this weekend. I'll end this post off with a shot that sums up my recent photographic style... sloppily taken from the window of my car. As I'm writing this, I'm camping at a spot just ashore from that active marine volcano(White Island) to the right.