Indo update
Sorry for the lack of posts about Indo. I just havent found a computer to pull off any pictures from my camera... well, I havent looked too hard either, once the Bintang starts flowing, all motivation beyond lounging poolside is easily lost. I do have some amazing pics to share though, Indonesia is an absolute paradise for the senses... and it's got me ridiculously inspired.
Here's the trip so far: Started in Bali, did a week at G-Land on Java, back to Bali, then to Lombok for a week, Matlock and Anna split and now I'm back in Bali again dealing with frusterating Visa bullshit, and then it's off to discover a long perfect Right in Sumatra I've been dreaming of surfing for 18 years now... Nias! Just gonna sit my ass there until a good swell comes and indulge. It's a long way from here and quite an expensive mission to get there but I came to the conclusion that good waves are priceless. It doesn't matter how much it costs to get the best barrel of my life... it's worth every penny!
Over and out...
Artwork for International Surfing Day 2010

6th Annual International Surfing Day
I was recently contacted by Surfing Mag to create the artwork for this years poster, ads and banners. Go grab the new issue of Surfing Mag and check out the spread. Also take a look at the little interview Surfing Mag did about this >>HERE<<
High quality prints of the original artwork are now available >>HERE<<