Words of Wisdom:
"One of the gladdest moments of human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy."
- Sir Richard Burton
Words of Wisdom
My interview with: Club Of The Waves
When it comes to surf culture, surf artists, surf photographers, surfing forums, surfing debates or surfing anything, Club Of The Waves.com is the place to go. I've been a featured artist on COTW for a while now and have made some great contacts through the site as well as discovered A TON of really great artists and photographers. Take a gander... but don't blame me if you lose the next 2-3 hours to a computer screen!
I recently did a tasty little interview with COTW. Click >>HERE<< to check it out.
The time has come to officially launch my ARTSPROJEKT store/Art Laboratory! The brains of the operation, Andy Howell (Artist and former pro-skater) recently invited me to be a part of the AP family. Pretty stoked to be amongst some of my favorite artists! (Shepard Fairy/Obey, Mars-1, Erik Otto, DALEK, Jim Phillips, Ekundayo)
I've spent the last month putting together artwork and graphics for a basic product line of high quality prints/posters, shirts, hats, buttons, skateboard decks and other paraphernalia. And the line will constantly be expanding. The genius of ARTSPROJEKT is it's print-on-demand platform... a product is made only when it's ordered. Customers can customize most products too, ie- shirt style and color, print size, paper or canvas, framed or not. Artists don't have to worry about overhead, production, inventory or shipping... hallelujah! This means you can expect a constant flow of new products regardless of where I am in the world. Let's say it together now... AWESOME!
Be sure to join my newsletter so you'll be notified of special products I'll be offering only for a limited time.
So, check out what I've got in the store, get yourself a shirt and a few prints or a birthday present for the old lady(or old man) Currently I have 20 posters, a dozen shirts and loads of hats, buttons, mouse pads, mugs, skateboard decks and other various items to choose from.
There's also a little >>INTERVIEW<< I did for the AP blog.
For the complete low down on ARTSPROJEKT, Read the Press Release.